MR. F. W. WODELL, Pierce Building, Copley Sq., Boston. Cultivation of the voice upon principles of the Italian School. Pupil of Root, of Chicago and Shakespeare, London. 2 12
HARVARD MEN.- Ducharme's barber shop is the only one reserved for your patronage in Cambridge. For years with Young's Hotel. Now post office block. At popular prices. Bring your razors for sharpening, etc. 2-tf
IT may interest you to know that Newman the Shoeman is a practical shoemaker, takes all measures himself and superintends the making of all custom orders and guarantees the best fitting, best style and best wearing shoes that can be made. The most difficult feet are made to look stylish as well as comfortable. My English last cannot be found elsewhere.
STUDENTS will please bear in mind that the annual sale at auction of imported sporting prints; steeple chases, cock fights, etc.; also mezzotints, caricatures, etc, will take place at Lewis J. Bird Co.'s Auction Rooms, 32 Bromfield street, Boston, one week commencing Nov. 1. It will pay students to wait and see this colletion before purchasing wall ornaments. 24 2
TRINITY HALL.- Front suite, three rooms. Two suites with southerly exposure, double bedrooms. Steam heat, hot and cold water and electric lights in each suite. Special rate for rest of College year. Apply to janitor. 20 tf
ENGLISH 8.- Biographical notes on lives of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey, DeQuincy and Lamb, with characterizations, criticisms and comparisons of their style may be found at Amee's. Price 50 cents.
THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf
A FRONT room to let, with board. Table board $4.00 per week. 41 Walker street. 27 2
CARL PFLUEGER, Teacher of Singing, 21 Trowbridge St., Arrangement for lessons from 4 to 5 p. m. 25 3
"CLASS OF 1901." Get all your clothes pressed once a week during college year for $10.00 each. Call at 7 Brattle, or drop postal to L. G. MacKeigan, P. O. Box 36, Cambridge. 4 tf
EXCELLENT board and good service can be obtained for $6.00 per week at 1190 Mass. Ave., opposite Beck Hall. Club tables to let. Transients accommodated. 7 tf
STUDENTS.- Buy your second-hand text books at the Harvard Book Store, near Post Office, 33 Brattle St. 1-tf
TO RENT.- Good bonus. Corner room in Matthews. South and east exposure. Second floor. Call or address, H. W., 6 Lawrence Hall. 26-4
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. S. J. Chandler's meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridge-port, Tuesday nights. Term opens Oct. 12. Private lessons by appointment. Residence next city hall. 2 tf
BONUS of $25 to anyone taking No. 4 Foxcroft House. Double Room, Regular Price $175. Second story. Best room in the house. Apply to janitor between 8 and 12 a. m., or 32 Conant Hall. 26 3
NEWMAN'S $3.00 shoes are well advertising themselves. Our sales are increasing on them every day. In has not yet reached 100 pairs a day but it soon will, for any man who buys one pair will do so again, and recommend his friends to try the $3.00 shoe made by
THE VALHALLA, 12 Dunster street.- The only first class Dining Rooms near the Square, Game Suppers, Welsh Rarebit, Broiled Live Lobsters a specialty. Also all kinds of club sandwiches. 28 2
RARE Old and Modern Engravings and Etchings, and Scarce Old English Sporting Prints in Colors, the collection of A. M. Lion, Esq., late of 434 Fifth avenue, N. Y. (now residing in Europe).
Appropriately Framed, Brilliant Impressions, Rare Examples of Old Colorings.
The Engravings and Etchings include Superb Examples in Colors of George Morland, Francis Bartolozzi, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Richard Cosway, Sir. Thos. Lawrence, Wilkie, Aprian and other celebrated masters.
The Sporting Prints include Fox Hunting, Shooting, Coaching, Steeple Chasing, Cock Fighting, etc., by James Pollard, H. Alken, Herring (Sen'r), Reeves, C. Hunt and others.
On exhibition in our Art Gallery, 32 Bromfield street, Boston, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 1 and 2. Sale Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 3 and 4, at 10.30 a. m., and 2.30 p. m. each day.
By Lewis J. Bird Co., Auctioneers, 32 Bromfield street, Boston. 28 4
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