W. W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.78 tf
TUTORING in History 1, History 10, Govt. 1, Economics 1, and Phil 1. Latest notes, etc. Three years successful experience.
Call or address 4 Hollis Hall.
R. W. SPRAGUE, JR., A. B.84 8
LOST.- Part of a gold sleeve link. Mark, R. G. H. Will the finder please return it to 6 Read's Block. 84 6
MRS. RANSFORD of 22 Prescott Street has a club table unexpectedly vacant.
Also two seats at general table. 84 6
FOUND.- A bicycle, 2 months ago. Owner can procure by identifying immediately and paying for this and previous advertisements. Call at University 4. 58 tf
TUTORING in English 28 and 32.
R. W. COUES, A. M., 104 Mt. Auburn street.86 2
WANTED.- A room-mate at 12 Holyoke House, second floor. Terms reasonable. Call between 5 and 6. 86 2