TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway. tf
TUTORING.- For examinations in Greek, Latin, German. Careful and thorough instruction.
J. H. WALDEN, PH. D., 13 Mt. Auburn street.76 6t
FOR VERY LOW RENT.- Students' Rooms; study, bedroom and bath. Can be seen at 15 Shepherd's Block, Holyoke street. Inquire of C. B. Crockett, 43 Water street, Medford, Mass. 73 10
TUTORING in Science Courses-Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Zoology, Botany.
PORTER E. SARGENT, A. B. ('96.)Hours, 2-2.30, 6.30-7.30. 49 Matthews.
75 tf
IMPORTANT: Suits cleansed and pressed for 75c.; trousers 20c.; and one suit, once a week until June 30, '97, for $7.00. Called for and returned in a satisfcatory manner. Drop postal. L. G. MacKeigan, Tailor, 15 Brattle street, just opposite Post Office. 72 tf
TUTORING.- German A, B, 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4, 6; Geology 4; Political Economy I.
LOUIS GERTEIS, 14 Stoughton.85 4
WANTED.- Regular or occasional work pressing and repairing clothes. Mending of all kinds. Well recommended. Address, Mrs. M. Dempsey, 475 Rindge Avenue. 86 tf
TUTORING by two Harvard graduates of long experience. Latin, Greek, French and German,
W. J. MILLER, A. B., A. M. 3 Warland Block.Mathematics, Physics B and C, and Chemistry 1.
F. C. McLAUGHLIN, A. B., A. M. 4 Read's Block.81 tf
TUTORING.- Semitic 6. 12, 14, 15, Greek 10, Philosophy 5, History, 1, 9, 10, 12, 19, Fine Arts 4, Government 1.
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