
Lectures on Literature.

April 3. Aristotle.

The lectures are open to the public.

Harvard Memorial Society Lectures.The Harvard Memorial Society has arranged for the following evening lectures, to be given in Sanders Theatre:

Mar. 27. Harvard in the Fifties. President Charles W. Eliot '53.

April 3. Harvard in the Sixties. Hon. Moorfield Storey '66.


April 10. Harvard in the Seventies. Judge Robert Grant '73.

Seats on the floor and parts of the first balcony will be reserved for officers of the University, members of the Harvard Memorial Society and their firiends. (Tickets for these reserved seats will be issued for the whole course of three lectures. Applications for these tickets should be made to A. M. Kales, 1256 Massachusetts avenue, on or before March 21).

On the afternoon before each lecture, between 4 and 6 o'clock, tickets admitting to the rest of the first balcony and to the second balcony will be given out at No. 3 Thayer Hall to students of the University. Five minutes before the lecture the public will be admitted.

Lectures on Oxford University.Joseph Wells, M.A., Felow and Tutor of Wadham College, will deliver a lecture on "The Oxford of Today," on Thursday evening, March 26, at eight o'clock, in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum. The lecture will be open to the public.

Harvard Catholic Club Lectures.In April there will be two public Lectures given under the auspices of the Harvard Catholic Club, the first in Sanders Theatre, the second in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, beginning at 8 p. m.

April 7. Astronomical Science Not Opposed to Christian Faith. Rev. G. M. Searle, C. S. P., Ph.D., Director of the Observatory in the Catholic University, Washington, D. C.

April 30. A Visit to a Dead City in the Baltic. (Illustrated with stereopticon). Dr. Hasket Derby, of Boston.

Lectures on the Fine Arts.Arrangement has been made for a course of four lectures on the Fine Arts, to be given in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, on successive Tuesday evenings, at 8 o'clock, beginning March 31, as follows:

March 31. The Early Mediaeval Architecture of Italy. Mr. C. A. Cummings.

April 7. The Venus of Melos. Mr. Edward Robinson.
