
Lectures on Literature.

(Continued from third page.)

The subjects and dates of Mr. Copeland's remaining lectures are as follows:

Mar. 24. Robert Burns.

Mar. 31. The Short Story.

Apr. 7. Shakspere in certain relations to our own time.


Apr. 14. Recollections of a Country Library.

These lectures will be given in Sever 11, at 8 p. m., and will be open to all members of the University, but not to the public.

St. Paul's Society.Lenten Sunday Sermons in Christ Church, 10.30 a. m.:

Mar. 22. Rev. W. L. Robbins, D. D., Dean of All Saints Cathedral, Albany, N. Y.

Seats are reserved for members of the University, all of whom are most cordially invited.

During Lent the St. Paul's Society holds daily evening prayer at 7 o'clock in 17 Grays. All students are cordially invited.

Lectures on Greek Philosophy.On the invitation of the Classical Department, Professor Goodwin will deliver a course of five lectures upon Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and the Earlier Greek Philosophy, in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, at eight o'clock on successive Friday and Wednesday evenings, beginning March 20.

March 25. Socrates and the Sophists.

March 27. Plato.

April 1. Plato (continued).
