
Graduate Fellowships for 1896-7.

Fred C. Waite, S. B. (Adelbert Coll., O.) 1892; A. M. (Western Reserve Unive., O.) 1894; A. M. (Harvard) 1896. II. yr. Graduate School. Zoology.

Arthur W. Wolfson, A. B. 1893, A. M. 1896; II. yr. Graduate School; History.

The Henry Lee Memorial Fellowship.

Guy S. Callender, A. B. (Oberlin Coll., O.) 1891, A. B. (Harvard Univ.) 1893, A. M. (Ibid.) 1894; V. yr. Graduate School; Political Economy.

The Henry B. Rogers Memorial Fellowship.


Founded in 1894.

Edward H. Warren, A. B. 1895, A. M. (Columbia) 1896; Ethics in its relations to Political Economy.

The Hemenway Fellowship.

Frank Russell, S. B. (State Univ. of Iowa) 1892, S. M. (Ibid.) 1895, A. B. (Harvard) 1896; American Archaeology and Ethnology.
