

The first Freshman Chemistry lecture today at twelve o'clock in Boylston Hall.

Columbia has a walking club for taking excursions into the wilds of New York.

Professor Sylvester, late of Johns Hopkins, expects to enter upon his duties as Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford early in this year.

Fifteen tables were kept set at Memorial Hall for the accommodation of the students remaining in Cambridge during the recess.

The winter vacation at the Technology begins on Saturday, the 19th of this month and lasts until Tuesday, the 29th.


Among the recent treasures placed in the library is a cast of Cromwell's face. It was presented by Prof. Norton who received it from his friend Thomas Carlyle.

Of the present United States House of Representatives, 104 are college graduates. Harvard beads the list with 7, of whom Mr. Theodore Lyman is considered the most scholarly member of the whole house.

The Sunday Globe of Dec. 30 contained a long letter on Harvard athletics, criticizing the action of the faculty in turning off the professional trainers without supplying their places with new men. It was signed, "GRADUATE."

The executive committee, or "senate" as it is called, of the united branches of the Phi Beta Kappa Held their first meeting on Dec. 27, at the rooms of the fellows of this college in Water street. measures were taken to compile a complete catalogue of the society and to investigate its history. Among those present were Rev. Dr. Hale and Justin Winsor.

Mr. Carl Schurz is writing a book on Henry Clay.

The printed notes in Political Economy 4 are ready. Subscribers can obtain copies by calling at 23 College House between 11 and 12 A. M. or 2 and 3 P. M. today.

A slight fire in the cabinet building at Yale, on Sunday, December 23, was the only one of importance which has disturbed their campus for many years. The damage was small and will be repaired before the new term begins.

The following events were contested at the Fall Meeting of the Tech. Athletic Club, on Dec.22, standing high jump, fence vault, putting the shot, light and middle-weight sparring, and tugs-of-war. The '86 class team won the latter event.

The following challenge has been sent to the H. U. B. C: To the secretary of H. U. B. C.-The Columbia College Boat Club challenges the Harvard University Boat Club to row a Straight a way race in eight oared shells with coxswains, on the Thames River, at New London; all other conditions to be mutually agreed upon hereafter.


Secretary of C. C. B. C. New York, Dec. 19, 1883.

Very few people in these days read Rabelais' writings, and Mr. Walter Besant, who has just published his "Readings from Rabelais," thinks "it is time that the wisest and kindliest of all Frenchman should at length cease to be regarded and spoken of as a buffoon with a foul mouth and mind." He aims to have this author, the contemporary of Luther, recognized, as Shakespeare and and Milton are, for what he is really worth, for his stout heart, his cheerfulness and his brave face. He follows Urqhart's translation, but does not hesitate to improve it whenever he can.

The "merchant of Venice" was recently performed at Oxford by the undergraduates and dons, assisted by ladies. It met with such success that a proposition is on foot to repeat it at some theatre in London. This introduction of theatricals at Oxford has had an important effect on the social life of the undergraduates. Hitherto they have devoted themselves almost entirely to athletics as means of recreation. during the last few years representations of Greek tragedies have become popular, and now with the aid of outside ladies they have success fully rendered a Shakespearean comedy.
