
Special Notice.

PHILIPPE LA ROCHELLE, 1504 Washington St., Boston.88 3t

STUDENTS requiring good, sensible clothing will do well to observe our prices before purchasing elsewhere.

A good long ulster, strictly all wool, frieze, price $12, worth $18. A good heavy all wool suit for $12. These suits have been worn by some of the students for over 18 months, who will not hesitate to testify to the same.

A fine black or blue all wool Kersey Overcoat, lap seam, raw edge, satin trimmings, $15 and $18, equal to any $40 overcoat made. Call and convince yourselves.

GEO A. LEVY AND CO., Wholesale Clothiers, 37 Otis St., cor. Summer, Boston.Open evenings until 6 p. m. w s

