
Special Notice.

F. L. MEREDITH, B. S., 8 Ellery St.,

CALENDARS FOR 1896.- Size 11x14 in., envelope to fit. Beautiful picture of the Harvard Football Team, large engraved calendar pad. Very neat. Price 25 cts. For sale at Leavitt and Peirce's, Thursdton's, Amee Bros.'s, and the Cooperative.

A ROOM with Board to let at 11 Mason St. 88 3t

ALL graduates of '94 and '95 who have not yet received copies of the Portfolio for '94 or '95 may receive them by writing W. B. Wolffe.

WANTED.- Some one who can legibly copy extracts from books, at a low rate and at his own convenience. Applicant should give some details concerning himself and should mention price expected. Address Cam, care HARVARD CRIMSON.


A SYNOPSIS of Mill's Principles of Political Economy. A book of about one hundred pages containing the main working principles of the larger text book of over one thousand pages. Of inestimable aid to the student and will save hours of study in preparation for the mid-year and final examinations. The price per copy is $1.25. For sale by C. W. Sever; and Wheeler, 1284 Massachusetts avenue. 88 3t twf.

TUTORING.- History 1, 10; Economics 1; Government and Law 1; and Geology 4.

C. A. ROSS '96, 6 College House.88 20t

TUTORING in German A, B, C, E, F, G, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, in French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2c, in Greek and in Latin, in Italian 1 and 4.

W. J. MILLER, A. B., 3 Warland Block, 1278 Mass. Ave.w. th s m At my room from 2 to 3.

ENGLISH 9: TUTORING.- Apply 2.00 to 2.30 or after 7.00 p. m., or by letter.

A. E. HANCOCK, 18 Felton Hall.TUTORING in Govt. 1, History 1, 5, 6, 9, 13.

A. M. WOLFSON '93, Address or call evening at 13 Mellen St.88 8t

LOST.- A note book marked Roger Upton. Address 96 Prescott St. 88 4t

TUTORING in French by a native Frenchman, either at his or at the student's residence. References from Professor F. C. de Sumichrast.
