

Nominations for Resident and Non-Resident Appointments for 1895=96.

The Harris Fellowship: -

Fred Norris Robinson, A. B. 1891; A. M. 1892; Ph.D. 1894; Graduate Student, 1891-94; Instructor in English; to study the Celtic Languages.

The Rogers Fellowships: -

Frank Dyer Chester, A. B. 1891, A. M 1892; Ph. D. 1894; Graduate Student, 1891-94; Assistant in Semitic Languages; to pursue Semitic studies, especially Arabic.

William Henry Schofield, A. B. Victoria Univ., Ont., 1889; A. M. Harvard, 1893; third year Graduate School; second year Morgan Fellow; to study English and the Modern Languages.


The Parker Fellowships: -

Harry Edwin Burton, A. B. 1890, A. M. 1893; third year Graduate School; to study Classical Philology.

Irving Wetherbee Fay, A. B. 1886; to study Chemistry.

Herbert Maule Richards, S. B. 1891; third year Graduate School; to study Botany.

Arthur Wisswald Weysse, A. B. 1891, A. M. 1892, Ph. D. 1894; to study Zoology. (Re-appointment).

The John Thornton Kirkland Fellowship: -

James Sullivan, Jr., A. B. 1894; first year Graduate School; Assistant in History; to study History and Political Science: -

The James Walker Fellowship: -

Robert MacDougall, A. B. McGill Univ., 1890; A. M. Harvard, 1893; third year Graduate School; first year Morgan Fellow; to study Philosophy.

The John Tyndall Scholarship: -

William Duane, A. B. Univ. of Pa., 1892: A. B. Harvard, 1893; second year Graduate School; Assistant in Physics; to study Physics, with the liberty of studying abroad or at this University, as shall be later determined with the approval of the Division of Physics.

The Robert Treat Paine Fellowship: -

Enoch Howard Vickers, A. B. W. Va. Univ., 1890; A. B. Harvard, 1893; A. M. Ibid, 1894; second year Graduate School; to study Economics and Social Science.
