

Nominations for Resident and Non-Resident Appointments for 1895=96.

The following nominations have been made for fellowships in the Graduate School for 1895-96.

RESIDENT APPOINTMENTS.The Morgan Fellowships: -

Charles Leonard Bouton, S. M., Washington University, Mo., 1891; first year Graduate School; to study Mathematics.

Arthur Stoddard Cooley, A. B., Amherst, 1891, A. M. Harvard, 1893; third year Graduate School; to study Classical Philology.


Reginald Aldworth Daly, A. B., Victoria Univ., Ont., 1891, S. B. 1892, A. M. Harvard, 1893; third year Graduate School; Assistant in Geology; to study Geology.

Boris Sidis, A. B., 1894; first year Graduate School; to study Philosophy.

The Henry Lee Memorial Fellowship: -

Guy Stevens Callender, A. B. Oberlin, 1891; A. B. Harvard, 1893; A. M. Ibid, 1894; third year Graduate School; to study Political Economy. (Re-appointment).

The Ozias Goodwin Memorial Fellowship: -

Kendric Charles Babcock, Litt. B. Univ. Minn., 1889; first year Graduate School; to study Constitutional History.

The Henry Bromfield Rogers Memorial Fellowship: -

Abram Piatt Andrew, Jr., A. B. Coll. of N. J., 1893; second year Graduate School; to study Ethics in its relations to Sociology. (Re-appointment).

NON-RESIDENT APPOINTMENTS.The place of study of the holders of these fellowships are to be approved by the several divisions or departments and by the Administrative Board of the Graduate School.

The Harris Fellowship: -

Fred Norris Robinson, A. B. 1891; A. M. 1892; Ph.D. 1894; Graduate Student, 1891-94; Instructor in English; to study the Celtic Languages.

The Rogers Fellowships: -

Frank Dyer Chester, A. B. 1891, A. M 1892; Ph. D. 1894; Graduate Student, 1891-94; Assistant in Semitic Languages; to pursue Semitic studies, especially Arabic.

William Henry Schofield, A. B. Victoria Univ., Ont., 1889; A. M. Harvard, 1893; third year Graduate School; second year Morgan Fellow; to study English and the Modern Languages.

The Parker Fellowships: -

Harry Edwin Burton, A. B. 1890, A. M. 1893; third year Graduate School; to study Classical Philology.

Irving Wetherbee Fay, A. B. 1886; to study Chemistry.

Herbert Maule Richards, S. B. 1891; third year Graduate School; to study Botany.

Arthur Wisswald Weysse, A. B. 1891, A. M. 1892, Ph. D. 1894; to study Zoology. (Re-appointment).

The John Thornton Kirkland Fellowship: -

James Sullivan, Jr., A. B. 1894; first year Graduate School; Assistant in History; to study History and Political Science: -

The James Walker Fellowship: -

Robert MacDougall, A. B. McGill Univ., 1890; A. M. Harvard, 1893; third year Graduate School; first year Morgan Fellow; to study Philosophy.

The John Tyndall Scholarship: -

William Duane, A. B. Univ. of Pa., 1892: A. B. Harvard, 1893; second year Graduate School; Assistant in Physics; to study Physics, with the liberty of studying abroad or at this University, as shall be later determined with the approval of the Division of Physics.

The Robert Treat Paine Fellowship: -

Enoch Howard Vickers, A. B. W. Va. Univ., 1890; A. B. Harvard, 1893; A. M. Ibid, 1894; second year Graduate School; to study Economics and Social Science.
