F. Shaw was also slightly injured and had to give way to Doucette. As there was no substitute guard on the field Mackie played right guard on the 'varsity for the rest of the afternoon.
The wet field and long grass were responsible for much of the fumbling and slipping, but nevertheless both quarterbacks were much to blame for the poor work. Beale was just as slow as ever.
The combined efforts of coaches Deland, Lewis, Newell, Adams and Waters did not succeed in getting any snap into the work.
In the line Holt and Rice broke through and tackled well, while Newell, as usual, followed the ball closely. Hayes punted well, but otherwise played listlessly. Fairchild made one of the two touchdowns for the 'varsity by getting through Stevenson and running about 80 yards across the goal line.
C. Brewer was on the field but took no part in the regular practice. He and Dunlop punted for a time. N. Shaw sustained a slight injury in the B. A. A. game and stood on the side line. Donald, too, was given a rest.