

Practice on the Open Field.- Five Substitutes on the 'Varsity.

In order to prevent tearing up the regular field, the practice of the 'varsity was on the open freshman field yesterday afternoon. The practice was very disappointing. It was hoped the men would take hold with a will after Thursday's game with the B. A. A., but they were slow in all the work.

Previous to lining up all the men were taken to the dummy where each man had his turn at tackling under Newell's direction. The work did not satisfy Newell at all. After the preliminary practice of signals the two elevens lined up as follows:


Cabot, l. e. r. e., Duff.

Rice, l. t. r. t., Hallowell.


Holt, l. g. r. g., Merriman.

F. Shaw, c. c., Hoague.

Doucette, r. g. l. g., Tiffany.

Connor, r. t. l. t., Stevenson.

Newell, r. e. l. e., Moulton.

Borden, q. b. q. b., Beale.

Wrightington, l. h. b. r. h. b., Hayes.

Hamlen, r. h. b. l. h. b., Gierasch.

Fairchild, f. b. f. b., Brown.

The practice was 35 minutes long. After a short time Cabot had to retire on account of an injury he received. His place was taken by Moulton, Bull going in at left end on the second.
