
Special Notice.

YACHT'S at this season of the year may be bought at bargains. We have cat boats of every description on hand. If you are thinking of purchasing a boat of any description, write to the Buzzard Bay Yacht Agency, 33 North Water street, New Bedford, Mass.

DON'T buy a pencil. Call at Pach's Studio where Mr. Tupper will be pleased to supply the wants of every student.

It will soon be time to take interior pictures of rooms and orders may be left from now on. 23 tf

SHOES cleaned and polished each day for the rest of the year for $10.00. Johnston, at Marks's barber shop. 19 tf

TUTORING.- For the trigonometry hour examination, also in the sciences; special work done in chemistry and physics. F. L. Meredith, 50 Holyoke street. tf


Disabuse your mind of the idea that the Crawford Shoe is a "cheap" shoe, though sold at $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00. They are as good as custom made and costs less.
