
Special Notice.

THE Boston papers are unanimous in their praise of "Billee Taylor" at the Caslle Square theatre this week. Here are a few extracts:

"It was one of the most enjoyable of the operas in the long and varied repertoire of the Castle Square Opera Company. Encores were frequent, and were well-merited. The whole performance was given with a spirit and dash that made it decidedly enjoyable, and the cast, taken as a whole, was most competent. Lovers of comic opera should not fail to avail themselves of the few opportunities remaining to see this meritorious presentation, as its stay is limited to this week, with the usual Wednesday and Saturday matinees."

"Of the many revivals of once familiar operas that have been put on by the Castle Square Company, none has been brighter, breezier or more pleasing. It is getting to be too old a story to wonder at, how the members of the cast can keep up their standard week in and week out, singing every night, rehearsing every day, and yet put the vim into their work that they do. The chorus is equally deserving of praise in this respect, and one of the leading bits of last night's production was made by the girls in their recital of "Phoebe's precepts." The opera of "Billee Taylor" is a nautical one and called for new costumes and scenery, which were on hand and showed that the management is as tireless in its efforts to please as are the singers."

TUTORING in Greek A, B, C, E, 2; Latin A, B, C, D, E, 1; German A, B, 1a, English A, B, and Geology 4. If I am not in leave note for C. Wesley Hobbs, 3 College House.

TUTORING in elementary courses in Matthematics, Physics and Chemistry. Also in German A, B, C, 1a and 1b. Excellent notes in Chemistry 1 and Physics 1. Six years experience.


F. C. MCLAUGHLIN, A. M., 4 Read's Block.34 12t

FOR SALE.- Irish terrier "Mike," 18 months old; house-broken and gentle. Pedigree. Price $25. Address, G. M. C., CRIMSON office.

A DESIRABLE room for a club table can be secured by applying to Claire F. Link, 1200 Mass. Ave.

A YEAR'S study in Germany has fitted A. W. Blakemore '97, to tutor in all German courses from A to 5. Recommended by the German department. Terms low. Address, 17 Dunster street.

DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's classes open as follows: North Cambridge, Odd Fellows Hall, Saturday, Oct. 5, 8 p. m.; Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesday, Oct. 8. 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st.

Let any man who thinks a shoe good as the one he is wearing cannot be sold for $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00, examine The Crewford-sold only at Crawford Shoe Stores.

The Cambridge Safe Deposit and Trust Co., at No. 1300 Massachusetts Avenue, corner of Linden street, transacts a general banking business. Checks will be cashed on any Bank or Banking House in the U. S. and interest is allowed upon daily ballances subject to check. Special attention given to accounts with officers and students of the University. Banking hours 8 to 2. Safety Vaults open from 8 a. m. to 2, and 5 to 6 p. m. tf

INSURE your furniture against loss by fire with James H. Hilton, 26a Brattle street. Drop me a postal and I will call. 8 tf

ANNOUNCEMENT.- Mesdames Cates and Hall beg leave to announce that they have opened Select Dining Tables at No. 17 Story street, Cambridge. Special attention will be paid to catering for students' clubs.

Mrs. Cate's long experience at the Waverly House, Charlestown, Brant Rock House, and Women's Industrial Union, will insure a high degree of excellence both in cuisine and service. References given and required. 14 tf

YACHT'S at this season of the year may be bought at bargains. We have cat boats of every description on hand. If you are thinking of purchasing a boat of any description, write to the Buzzard Bay Yacht Agency, 33 North Water street, New Bedford, Mass.

DON'T buy a pencil. Call at Pach's Studio where Mr. Tupper will be pleased to supply the wants of every student.

It will soon be time to take interior pictures of rooms and orders may be left from now on. 23 tf

SHOES cleaned and polished each day for the rest of the year for $10.00. Johnston, at Marks's barber shop. 19 tf

TUTORING.- For the trigonometry hour examination, also in the sciences; special work done in chemistry and physics. F. L. Meredith, 50 Holyoke street. tf

Disabuse your mind of the idea that the Crawford Shoe is a "cheap" shoe, though sold at $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00. They are as good as custom made and costs less.
