

Harvard, 30; Amherst, 0.

Murchie, l.g. r.g., Caruthers.

Doucette, F. Shaw, c. c., Bishop.

J. N. Shaw, r.g. l.g., Warren.

Gould, r.t. l.t., Fosdick.

Hartwell, Whittren, r.e. l.e, Rosa.


Wrenn, Borden, q.b. q.b., H. L. Pratt.

Hayes, Jackson, l.h.b. r.h.b., Whitney, Fisher.

Brown, Manning, r.h.b. l.h.b., Johnston.

Dunlop, Hamlen, f.b. f.b., J. T. Pratt.

Score - Harvard, 30; Amherst, 0. Touchdowns - Hayes, Dunlop, Whittren, Hamlen 2. Goals from touchdowns - Brown 3, Hamlen 2. Referee - Mr. Davis. Umpire - Mr. Lewis. Linesman - Mr. Woods. Time - 45m.

Ninety-Six, 22; C. H. and L., 4.The junior eleven defeated the Cambridge High and Latin School eleven yesterday by a score of 22 to 4.

Both teams played a good aggressive, but a poor defensive game. The interference of the Ninety-six team was a great improvement over that shown at Groton. The only touchdown made by the High School team was gained by repeated rushes through Ninety-six's centre.

Yale, 34; Dartmoth, 0.[N. E. Associated Press.]
