
Fact and Rumor.

Amherst held her exhibition in heavy gymnastics, yesterday. Stagg, was one of the judges.

Dr. Stanton Coit will lecture before the Philosophical Club, on "The Advancement of Ethics," in Sanders Theatre, on March 31st.

Captain Collis of the Intercollegiate team reports that Columbia will be represented by about sixty men in the Columbia-Princeton games, to be held May 14.

The enrollment at Johns Hopkins is 505, of which 299 are graduate students, 138 matriculates and 68 non-matriculates. The academic staff numbers 66 teachers.

The following men will compose the Wesleyan nine: Talmage, '93; Gordon, '94; Lee, '94; Tirrell, '94; E. Smith, '93; Hall, '92; Little, '92; Jones, '93; and Lapham, '95.


The Faculty of Trinity College has forbidden any student to pull on the tug-of-war team without parents' permission and a doctor's certificate; and will prohibit it altogether next year.
