
Fact and Rumor.

The spring recess begins on April 6th.

President Elliot is at present in San Francisco.

There is some talk of introducing a team race into the Mott Haven games.

The New York Athletic Club will soon build a new club house.

The Juniors won the Pratt Athletic Prizes, at the Amherst winter meeting.


The new University Athletic Club of York, has rented the old Racquet. Building on 26th street for its club house.

The mid-year marks in English II will be announced, and the blue-books returned, today.

The Cosmopolitan for April, contains an article on "The Home of Columbus," by Murat Halstead.

Caspar W. Whitney has an illustrated article on the "College Athlete In-Doors," in Harper's Weekly of March 26th.

The Pierian Sodality, assisted by L. F. Berry, '92, will give a concert at Union Hall, Cambridgeport, on March 30th.

The Amherst Glee and Banjo Clubs will give their annual New York concert next Monday evening.

The cup for the annual athletic exhibition at Bowdoin was awarded to the Sophomores.

The University Athletic Club will hold a general meeting about the middle of April.

Swayne coached the Yale varsity crew yesterday, and Crosby the Yale Freshman crew.

Aiken, who has trained Amherst's Athletic teams for two years, has been engaged for this season also.
