
Glee Club Trip.

THURSDAY, 29th.Transfer to station. Leave Milwaukee at 10.30 a. m. and reach Chicago at 1 p. m. Transfer to Auditorium Hotel and board there till Friday night.

FRIDAY, 30thTransfer from the concert hall. Leave Chicago via. M. C. R. R., special sleeper and berths in regular sleeper, 10.10 p. m.


SATURDAY, 31st.Breakfast and dinner on dining car. Reach Buffalo at 5 p. m. Transfer to hotel and board there till supper Jan. 1st, inclusive. Concert in the evening.

SUNDAY, JAN. 1st., 1893.Coach transfer to station. Leave Buffalo via. N. Y. C. and H. R. R. R., special sleeper and berths in regular sleeper, at 9.15 p. m.

MONDAY, 2nd.Reach Albany at 5.20 a. m. Transfer to Hotel Renmore. Breakfast, dinner and supper at hotel. Concert and transfer to station.

TUESDAY, 3rd.Leave Albany via. B. and A. R. R. on special sleeper, 4.00 a. m. The car will be open after the concert Monday night. Box breakfast placed on train at Springfield. Reach Boston at 10.50 and Cambridge in time to register.
