
Glee Club Trip.

The following itinerary for the Western Trip of the Musical Clubs has been provisionally adopted. A few minor details, such as the choice of hotels, have in one or two cases been left out, but the plan in the rough is as given below.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd.The Clubs will go to New York via. Boston and Albany Railroad and will give a concert there in the evening, spending the night at the Fifth Avenue Hotel.

FRIDAY, 23rd.Clubs will be transferred from Hotel to station and will leave at 11 by P. R. R. special parlor car for Philadelphia, where they will arrive at 1.20 p. m. There will be a coach transfer to the "Colonnade" where the clubs will have dinner and supper. Concert in the evening and transfer again to station. Leave via. P. R. R. in special sleeping car and berths in regular sleeping car, at 11.10 p. m.


SATURDAY, 24th.Breakfast and dinner will be served on dining car. Reach Cincinnati at 6.15 p. m. Transfer to Burnett House. Concert in the evening. Board here from supper on the 24th to supper on the 25th inclusive.

SUNDAY, 25th.Transfer to station. Leave Cincinnati via. Mount Vernon and Pan-Handle Route, in special sleeper and berths in regular sleeper, at 8 p. m.

MONDAY, 26th.Reach Cleveland at 7 a. m. Transfer to hotel where Clubs will board till supper on the 27th. Concert in the evening.

TUESDAY, 27th.Transfer to station and leave Cleveland via L. S. and M. S. R. R. at 6.55 p. m. in special sleeper and berths in regular sleeper.

WEDNESDAY, 28th.Reach Chicago at 7.35 a. m. Carriage transfer to Auditorium Hotel. Have breakfast here and leave via. C. M. and St. P. R. R. in special parlor car and sea's in regular parlor car, at 11 30 a. m. Reach Milwaukee at 2 p. m. Transfer to hotel where Clubs will board till breakfast on the 29th. Concert in the evening.

THURSDAY, 29th.Transfer to station. Leave Milwaukee at 10.30 a. m. and reach Chicago at 1 p. m. Transfer to Auditorium Hotel and board there till Friday night.

FRIDAY, 30thTransfer from the concert hall. Leave Chicago via. M. C. R. R., special sleeper and berths in regular sleeper, 10.10 p. m.

SATURDAY, 31st.Breakfast and dinner on dining car. Reach Buffalo at 5 p. m. Transfer to hotel and board there till supper Jan. 1st, inclusive. Concert in the evening.

SUNDAY, JAN. 1st., 1893.Coach transfer to station. Leave Buffalo via. N. Y. C. and H. R. R. R., special sleeper and berths in regular sleeper, at 9.15 p. m.

MONDAY, 2nd.Reach Albany at 5.20 a. m. Transfer to Hotel Renmore. Breakfast, dinner and supper at hotel. Concert and transfer to station.

TUESDAY, 3rd.Leave Albany via. B. and A. R. R. on special sleeper, 4.00 a. m. The car will be open after the concert Monday night. Box breakfast placed on train at Springfield. Reach Boston at 10.50 and Cambridge in time to register.
