
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale Art School has opened its annual winter exhibition to the public. The collection was made by L. R. Ehrich.

Dr. Harold E. Ernst, the newly appointed Professor of Bacteriology, was one of Harvard's 'varsity pitchers ten years ago.

Professor Goodale addressed the Commercial Club on Saturday on "Certain Economic Aspects of a Part of Australasia."

Professor Channing will be in Lower Massachusetts to answer questions about the examination in History 1, from 2.30 to 3.30 today.

Mr. Edwin Arnold on his visit to Princeton, Wednesday, was initiated as an honorary member of the American Whig Society, as was Matthew Arnold when he visited the college.


The questions of the Senior Statistician of Yale have been distributed and contain several new features. Among these are inquires concerning the physical effect of the four years, the effect of study on the eyesight, and also whether the climate has proved detrimental to health. The men are also asked to describe the injuries, if any, which have been received from athletics.
