
Fact and Rumor.

Cinna will be begun Friday in French 2.

German C, Div. 1, will begin "Der Oberhot" on Wednesday.

Princeton freshmen play the Columbia freshmen on Wednesday.

Mr. Nichols has given a list of books for outside reading in German C.

The Princeton eleven was present at the Harvard Yale game Saturday.


The Glee Club will sing at Jamaica Plain on the evening of December 11.

A six days bicycle race was begun at Mechanics Hall, Boston, yesterday.

The written exercise on "Goethe in Strasburg" is due today in German 4.

The first of the Harvard Assemblies will be held in Pierce Hall, Boston, Dec. 17.

The International Law Club will meet Wednesday evening in Matthews 8. Dr. Snow will be present.

There will be an examination in History I tomorrow. Maps must be handed in at the beginning of the hour.

The Andover foot ball management will take its victorious eleven to New York to see the Yale-Princeton game.

D. S. Dean has accepted a responsible position in Chicago with the Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad.

Stanford University will receive $20,000,000 in addition to previous bequests, at the death of Senator Stanford. - Ex.

McClung, Morison and Barbour graduate from Yale this year. Heffelfinger will also leave the graduate school.
