
University Calendar.


Divinity School Library. Debate. 4.15 p. m.

Representative Men and Issues of Modern Philosophy. Lecture XIII:

Optimism and Pessimism. Professor Royce. Sanders Theatre, 7.30 p. m.

Opent to the public.


15. THURSDAY.English 6. Oral Debate. University 2, 3 p. m.

Question: "Resolved, That the possession of the suffrage is not an advantage to the negro."

Principal disputants: Affirmative, J. Cummings, L. K. Morse; negative, J. A. Stetson, L. B. Williams.

Open to all students of the University.

Vesper Service. Appleton Chapel, 5 p. m.

Vesper Services will be held on Thursdays of each week in term-time until further notice. Each service be gins promptly at 5 p. m. The public are invited to these services.

The l'sychology of Music. Lecture. I. Pitch. Mr. B. I. Gilman.

Open to the public

16. FRIDAY.Divinity School Chapel. Preaching Service. 7.30 p. m.
