
Harvard University Cycling Association.


BY-LAWS.ARTICLE I.The officers of this association shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and captain; who shall hold office for the term of one year.

ARTICLE II.Section 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of the association and of the executive committee, and call meetings of the executive committee, or association whenever he may deem it necessary.

Section 2. The vice-president shall during the absence of the president, perform all his duties, as specified in section 1.

Section 3. The treasurer shall collect and have charge of all moneys belonging to the association, shall pay all bills, when properly approved, and submit a report thereof at the annual meeting, and to the association or executive committee whenever called upon to do so.


Section 4. The secretary shall keep the minutes of each meeting of the association and executive committee, and shall conduct the correspondence, and have charge of, and be responsible for, all books and papers except those of the treasurer.

Section 5. The captain shall have full charge of the association racing team, and shall arrange the details of road races and hare and hounds runs.

ARTICLE III.The executive committee shall have full control of all business of the association not otherwise provided for in the constitution and by-laws. They shall act upon all disbursements of moneys by the treasurer, They shall take charge of all race meets, decide all protests, and issue and act upon all challenges.

ARTICLE IV.The entrance fee shall be three dollars and a half ($3.50), the payment of which shall entitle the member to a non-transferable membership ticket admitting him to all meetings of the association.

ARTICLE V.Order of Business.

Reading, correction, and adoption of minutes.

Election of officers.
