
English 6.


F. W. Burlingham and Galloupe Morton.

Question: Resolved, That the bounty system as included in the McKinley tariff act should be extended. Best general reference: speech of O'Donnell in Cong. Record 1890, Vol. IX, p. 4433: Paddock in Cong. Record, 1890, Vol. XVIII, p. 10391.

I. The bounty system is the least burdensome form of protection.

a. Present system advocated especially by Hamilton: Hamilton's Works, Vol. III, p. 367, 378, 402, 403.

b. Bounties not a new and untried system: Allison in Cong. Record, Oct. 1st, 1890, p. 11701.


c. Bounties increase production of beet root sugar enormously: D. A. Wells: Recent economic changes, 129 and 301.

II. The bounty system is constitutional.

a. Constitution, article I, Sec. 8, p. 1.

b. It is for the general welfare: Hamilton's Works, III, 371; Evarts Cong. Record, Sept. 9, 1999, p. 10731; Allison in Cong. Record, Oct. 1, 1890, p. 11700.

III. This sugar bounty is specially unobjectionable.

a. The people will pay a tax only on one-tenth of sugar consumed.

b. The established Louisiana sugar producers will be able to continue operations: Allison in Cong. Record Oct. 1, 1890, p. 11700.

c. The beet root sugar industry will be encouraged: Hamilton's Works, III, 370; Cannon in Cong. Record, May 21, 1800, p. 5240.

d. The duty on refined sugar is materially lessened: Tariff bill; Cong. Record, Sept. 28, 1890, p. 11564.

e. Free raw material is furnished our refiners here: Cong. Record, Sept. 28, 1890, p. 11564.

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