
Fact and Rumor.

The poet and orator for Washington's birthday at Princeton college have both declined their elections, and H. W. Hathaway and G. McF. Galt have been elected in their places.

The recent Diman bequest of $10,000 to Brown university for the purchase of books on American history is albeing used. About $300 for this department will be available this year.

There will be lectures in N. H. 4 on Mondays, in addition to the regular lectures on Wednesdays and Fridays, until after the mid years. These Monday lectures will take the place of four Friday recitations in May.

The Brookline concert of the Glee and Banjo clubs will be given in the Town hall, instead of Pierce hall as announced before. The evening promises to be a very pleasant one. There will be dancing afterward as heretofore in the Brookline concert.

This evening, at 7.30 there will be a meeting of the freshman class in Holden chapel, for the purpose of hearing the report of the manager of the football eleven and of discussing the advisability of giving cups to the members of the eleven.


Professor S. W. Burnham, chief of the eclipse expedition sent from the Lick observatory to South America has announced that the observation of the eclipse of the sun December 22 was entirely successful and that the expedition is now on its way home.

Mr. H. G. Kittredge, of the Boston Journal of Commerce, delivered a lecture Wednesday evening before the Finance club, on the subject of the tariff in relation to wool. He reviewed the condition of the woolen industry from 1840 to the present day, and the effects of the various tariffs upon it.
