
Fact and Rumor.

Room 12 in Hastings is to let.

The Yale Banner for 1889-90 came out yesterday.

Adams '91, S., has gone to the training table of the Yale eleven.

Over a thousand men will go down to Springfield Saturday from Harvard.

Walter Camp reported the game last Saturday for the New York Herald.


The 'varsicy crew has bought a new pair oar, built by Davy of Cambridge.

Columbia will play Wesleyan in foot ball today at the Berkeley Oval New York.

A course in photography will soon be added to the curriculum of the Harvard Annex.

The Theta Psi fraternity from Technology were at Saturday's game in a tally-ho.

The membership list of the Boston Athletic club has again been increased by fifty names.

The extra benches put up on Jarvis before Saturday's game were torn down again yesterday.

The freshman eleven will play the Boston Athletic Association tomorrow on Divinity field.

The Cambridge Latin School is ahead in the race for the interscholastic foot-ball championship.

Theme II. in English B will be returned today in Sever 11, from 3 to 4 o'clock. Theme III., a narrative will be due also today.

The annual meeting of the Athletic association of Technology will be held December 14. The class of '90 now holds the Tech. cup.
