
Fact and Rumor.

Mr. George Riddle, formerly instructor in Elocution will give a reading of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Shepard Memorial Chapel, Tuesday evening, Nov. 21.

The arrangements are now completed for the match between the Harvard and Yale Shooting clubs, which is to be held in Springfield on the morning of the 23rd.

A number of New York alumni are making an effort to have the Yale-Princeton game played at Washington Park, Brooklyn, instead of at the Berkeley Oval, New York.

The following men will have their conference in History 12 today: F. C. Lucas, Marshall, Gay, Dunn, MacVeagh, Kent, Muzzey, Goodrich, Doe, Hamblin, Hubbell, Dodge.

Mr. William Lloyd Garrison will speak this evening at the rooms of the Free Wool club in Roberts hall on the subject "How protection protects free wool." The lecture is open to all members of the university.


Willys Terry, will stop coaching the Yale eleven tomorrow. On Monday Ray Thompkins '84, will take his place, and continue in charge of the rush line until the Yale Harvard game.

The Yale eleven and substitutes were photographed Monday at the Yale Field. The picture of the eleven, together with one of Princeton's team, will be printed on the programs for the Yale-Princeton game.

At a meeting of the executive committee of the Conference Francaise, held yesterday afternoon, the following men were elected members: J. D. Gorham, '90, F. M. Robinson, '91, W. G. Howard, '91, V. S. Rothschild, '91, A. de V. Tassin, '92, and T. E. Oliver, '93.
