
Fact and Rumor.

The 'Varsity crew leaves for New London today at 12 o'clock.

Dr. E. E. Hale will conduct prayers this morning for the last time.

R. E. Neil Dodge has been elected editor-in-chief of the Monthly.

The new emperor of Germany studied at the University of Bonn as a regular student.

Among the books recently added to the Library is a copy of John Boyle O'Reilly's "The Ethics of Boxing."


One question on a recent examination paper was upon a subject which was not taken up in the course at all.

The Yale crew is expected to reach New London today, and the University of Pennsylvania crew tomorrow.

The examination for second year honors in mathematics will be held in Sever 24, Thursday, June 21, at 9.30 a. m.

Harvard defeated the Melrose nine yesterday, at Melrose, by a score of 7 to 6.

The students of Columbia College have been officially notified that they must wear caps and gowns while at college.

Williams College will send a scientific expedition to the Bahamas this summer to make explorations in biology.

In Europe, eleven periodicals are de voted to Volapuk, and the new language has been studied by over 100,000 persons.

The young lady on whom was conferred the degree of LL. B. at the recent commencement of the University of Michigan has gone to practice law in the Sandwich Islands.

By mistake the last day for receiving applications for honorable mention was announced as June 18. Applications will be received today by the secretary any time before the office closes.

Dr. Hall will be at room 41, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, from 9 o'clock to 10 and from 12 o'clock to 1 Tuesday and Thursday of this week to consult with students in regard to Physics courses.
