
Fact and Rumor.

Princeton College in a mass meeting last Friday elected J. R. Barr, '89, president, and J. J. Charlton, '90, treasurer of the Foot-Ball Association.

In return for the visit made to Yale by the Princeton delegates, the Yale Y. M. C. A. sent a delegation to Princeton last Sunday.

The CRIMSON board were not photographed yesterday afternoon on account of the storm, but will be photographed at the same time next Monday.

Mr. Ernest Rhys will lecture this evening at eight o'clock, in Chickering Hall, Boston, on "London Literary Life in the Eighteen-eighties."

The new paper boat for the Yale crew is finished and will be rigged and sent to New Haven as soon as possible.


A concert has been arranged to be given by the Pierian Sodality and the Freshman Glee Club at the Dudley Street Opera House, Roxbury, April 2.

In the recent races at Cambridge, England, No. 4 in the Clare College boat was killed by being run into by the bow of the Trinity Hall boat.

The Freshman base ball candidates at Yale practice base running and sliding in the cage from 5.30 to 6 o'clock, and are coached by some member of the University team.

Harvard will play at home as follows: April 7, 10, Dartmouth; 17, Holy Cross; 21, Trinity; May 2, Amherst; 7, Princeton; 24, Williams; 26, Melrose; June 2, Princeton; 9, 23, Yale.

The Cedarhurst Jockey Club of New Jersey has decided to hold a series of runs on May 12, which will be open to all amateurs. The races in which college men are especially interested are the 100-yards dash, for which a silver cup valued at $500 has been offered, and the quarter-mile run, for which a prize of like value will be given.
