
Fact and Rumor.

Williams has raised over $700 for the support of its nine.

Williams is talking about having a co-operative society.

Yale has a number of men in training for the hurdle race at the New Haven games.

Until further notice Division B, of Political Economy I, will meet in two sections in U. 16.

The Idler Club of the Annex will give an afternoon tea on Friday of this week.


The Yale Freshman Cricket Club has arranged a series of games with the New Haven Club.

The Manhattan Athletic Club of New York will hold its annual spring games on its own grounds, May 30.

Yale has a successful Freshman Literary Society, which holds meetings and debates every week.

Andrew Carnegie of Pittsburg is to give $1,000,000 and more, if necessary, to establish a polytechnic school at Pittsburg equal to the one in Boston.

An 18-inch terrestrial globe, made by Johnston of London, has recently been placed in the reading room of the library.

Yesterday's CRIMSON was late owing to an accident to the press. Copies may be procured at Amee's and Leavitt and Pierce's.

The present course of lectures by Prof. Goodale of Harvard, on "Forests and Forest Products" is the last of the Lowell Institute series this season.

The report that the contract for Yale's new library has been signed is denied by several members of the faculty.

Only the doubles in the championship tennis tournament will be played at Staten Island. The singles will be played at Newport.

The Princeton Bric-Brac for this year has made its appearance and contains pictures of the University base-ball and lacrosse team.
