
Fact and Rumor.

The National Athletic Association will hold a tug-of-war contest for the championship of America in Brooklyn on Feb. 21st.

The Yale News has arranged a series of lectures on "Journalism." The lectures will be given by Mr. Robert Luce, of Boston, a graduate of Harvard, and an editor of The Writer.

At the Northwestern University, prizes are offered to the young ladies who shall excel, first in regularity of attendance at the gymnasium, and, second, in proficiency in general gymnatics.- Ex.

The semi-annual examination in Freshman Chemistry has caused many members of '91 to accept lucrative positions, and, also, many to leave the Tech on account of trouble with their eyes.- Tech.

The following is quoted from the speech of ex-Captain Rogers, of the Yale crew, at the dinner of the Hartford Alumni: "There are sixteen men in training for the crew, of whom four are veterans, and their motto is, to put it forcibly, 'Lick Harvard or Bust.' "

