
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no lecture in History 16 on Thursday of this week.

Princeton's new base-ball cage is ready for use.

Huntington has been elected temporary captain of the Yale freshman nine.

The N. Y. Herald of last week Thursday, had a long article on Stagg, Yale's crack pitcher.

The Intercollegiate Lacrosse Convention will be held at the Sturtevant House, N. Y., on Saturday, Feb. 11.


Ex-President Porter, of Yale, has recently prepared a volume of his sermons.

Messrs. Ginn and Co. will publish in April next "Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages," from the battle of Adrianople to the death of Charlemagne (A. D. 378 814), by Ephraim Emerton, Professor of History in Harvard University.

Fifteen men are competitors for the prize in high jumping in Yale's weekly contests, and eleven men are candidates for the prize in putting the shot.

Mr. H. E. Scott, proctor in Weld, will leave college this week. Mr. J. H. Gray, '87, at present proctor in College House, will take his place.

Mr. J. H. Gray, '87, has been appointed an instructor, and will take Assistant-Prof. Laughlin's place in the Political Economy department.

Charles E. Schwager, '91, of Amherst College, shot himself through the head in his room Saturday night, and will probably die.

The examination in N. H. 6 will be held in the Biological Laboratory Museum of Comparative Zoology instead of in Sever 30.

At the second annual meeting of the Central Inter-Collegiate Press Association in Phila., W. L. Hodge, of the Princetonian, was elected president.

During the year ending last June, 1,700,000,000 cigarettes were sold in this country-an enormous increase over the year before.- Yale News.

The Yale nine will not make the Easter trip which it had expected to, as the management was not able to make satisfactory arrangements.

The National Athletic Association will hold a tug-of-war contest for the championship of America in Brooklyn on Feb. 21st.

The Yale News has arranged a series of lectures on "Journalism." The lectures will be given by Mr. Robert Luce, of Boston, a graduate of Harvard, and an editor of The Writer.

At the Northwestern University, prizes are offered to the young ladies who shall excel, first in regularity of attendance at the gymnasium, and, second, in proficiency in general gymnatics.- Ex.

The semi-annual examination in Freshman Chemistry has caused many members of '91 to accept lucrative positions, and, also, many to leave the Tech on account of trouble with their eyes.- Tech.

The following is quoted from the speech of ex-Captain Rogers, of the Yale crew, at the dinner of the Hartford Alumni: "There are sixteen men in training for the crew, of whom four are veterans, and their motto is, to put it forcibly, 'Lick Harvard or Bust.' "
