The Phillipian publishes a plea for a new gymnasium at Andover, stating that the present accommodations are totally inadequate.
The students of the veterinary school will hold a meeting next Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of forming a veterinary society.
E. T. Harrington and Follen Cabot have been chosen antomy demonstrators at the Harvard veterinary school for the ensuing year.
At the annual meeting of the Yale Alumni Association at New York, last Friday, addresses were made by Stagg, Corbin, and Stevenson, and music was furnished by the college glee and banjo clubs.
The Harvard Amateurs will play the Roxbury Latin School eleven on the Cambridge common this afternoon, at 3.30. The Amateurs will be made up as follows: Merrill. '89, Keene, '91, Cummings, '91, Freeman, '92, Child, '92, Walker, '91, Burnham, '90; quarter-back, Beckwith, '91; half-backs, Duucan, '90, Endicott, '90; full-back, Healey, '91.