
Fact and Rumor.

The instructors in Political Economy 1 have changed sections.

Mr. A. P. Emmons, '90, has been elected a regular editor of the CRIMSON.

There will be recitations in Chemistry I on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Mr. L. T. Bliss has been elected captain of the Andover's team for next year.

The University of Giessen has conferred the degree of D. D. upon Prince Bismarck,


Mr. A. J. Cumnock, '91, has been elected a corresponding editor of the CRIMSON.

Mr. J. W. Lund, '90, has resigned his position as Business Manager of the CRIMSON.

It was reported late last night that Yale had decided to play Harvard in Cambridge, next Saturday.

The catalogue will not be issued before December 1st, and possibly not until a month later.

Great preparations are making at the observatory to investigate the solar eclipse on New Year's day.

Professor N. S. Shaler has an article on the "Americanizing of Foreigners" in the last number of America.

Mr. Safford W. Fork has been appointed curator of the veterinary school museum on Village street, Boston.

The Theatre Ticket Agency recently opened opposite the college yard is not being supported as well as was expected.

The monthly meeting and smoker of the Bicycle Club will be held Friday evening, the place to be announced later.

The course of studies at the Medical School has been made elective. A student may attend any or all of the lectures.
