
Fact and Rumor.

The Glee and Banjo clubs were entertained very pleasantly by the members of the Boston Art Club, to whom they gave an informal concert Saturday evening.

There are fifteen candidates for the Yale Freshman Nine; besides the usual training they go through a series of motions for strengthening the muscles of the stomach.

A dead lock was caused in the meeting of the Intercollegiate base-ball league last Friday, by each representative voting for himself for president. Some three hours were spent in this way.

A man

Was drowned


In the slush

Down by the east gate - Hesperian. The Hesperian has mistaken the locality of the disaster. It took place in our college yard.

The Yale News of Thursday publishes an editorial urging the nine not to be so elated by the flattering newspaper paragraphs which are constantly "booming" their prospects as to become over-confident. The fate of our nine last year is held up as as a warning.

The National Lawn Tennis Association met in New York at the Hoffman House last Friday. It was decided that during the coming season only 'single' games should be played at Newport. 'Doubles' will be at the Orange Club grounds after the season at Newport has closed.
