Eleven men are training on the Yale tug-of-war Team.
The Columbiad contains a wood cut of their last year's victorious crew.
There will be a regular meeting of the CRIMSON board to-day at 1.30 p.m.
The late Henry Ward Beecher was graduated from Amherst from the class of '34.
Prof. Lyon's lecture to-morrow evening on "Cyrus" will be illustrated with the stereopticon.
Mr. F. B. Harlow, L. S., Mr. E. D. Hale, '88 have been elected members of the "Lampoon" board.
The marks in History 12 came out Saturday. It is understood that only two men in the course received A.
Dr. Hart's section of History 20 will meet in his room on Wednesday and Friday of this week at ten o'clock.
In an oratorical contest recently held in Trinity College, Brinley, the tennis player, took the second prize.
The annual dinner of the Princeton Alumni of New York will take place at the Hotel Brunswick, New York, March 22d.
The statistical tables of American water-works have been received by the CRIMSON from the "Engineering News," N. Y.
The best American record for a twenty-four mile run was broken at Philadelphia recently. The distance was covered in 2h. 41m. 32s.
The funeral of Edward Fox Fessenden will occur this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at his home in Portland, Me. A train leaves the Eastern depot at 9 o'clock this morning for Portland.
Hanlan has signed articles for a race with Beach in Australia on November 26. The stakes are $2500 a side and the championship of the world. - Ex.
The music sung by the Chapel choir last evening was: "Sweet is Thy Mercy," by Barnby; "And They Rest not Day and Night," by Tuckerman.
The Glee and Banjo clubs were entertained very pleasantly by the members of the Boston Art Club, to whom they gave an informal concert Saturday evening.
There are fifteen candidates for the Yale Freshman Nine; besides the usual training they go through a series of motions for strengthening the muscles of the stomach.
A dead lock was caused in the meeting of the Intercollegiate base-ball league last Friday, by each representative voting for himself for president. Some three hours were spent in this way.
A man
Was drowned
In the slush
Down by the east gate - Hesperian. The Hesperian has mistaken the locality of the disaster. It took place in our college yard.
The Yale News of Thursday publishes an editorial urging the nine not to be so elated by the flattering newspaper paragraphs which are constantly "booming" their prospects as to become over-confident. The fate of our nine last year is held up as as a warning.
The National Lawn Tennis Association met in New York at the Hoffman House last Friday. It was decided that during the coming season only 'single' games should be played at Newport. 'Doubles' will be at the Orange Club grounds after the season at Newport has closed.
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