
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale juniors are agitating the abandonment of the fall class races on accent of their inability to form a good crew.

Seniors at Dartmouth are pursuing Optional studies as follows : four, Astronomy; four, Chemistry; nine, English Constitutional History.

Dr. Henry D. Cogswell has donated property worth $1,000,009 to found a technical school in San Francisco. 1t will be for both boys and girls and will be named the Cogswell Polytechnic College,

Out of the Harvard graduating class numbering 236 only 114 or a bare majority ranked over 70. Of these only 9 ranked over 90.- Dartmouth

Page, of the University of Pennsylvania, the champion jumper, has been invited to give an exhibition jump at the Yale fall games.


The supply of the syllabus in Political Economy 4 has given out. The printers should be notified to print more copies.

Latin is pronounced according to the Roman method in 155 colleges, in 144 according to the English, and 35 according to the Continental.- Ex.

Candidates for the final honors in classics in 1887 and 1888 who expect to present a Latin thesis will find Mr. Preble in 7 Matthews on Saturdays in October to make arrangements for assisting them in writing Latin.
