Yale has two 'Varsity glee clubs.
All the lockers in the gymnasium have been engaged.
Exeter has now for the first time more students than Andover.- Ex.
The Yale regatta will take place October 15.
The Harvard Monthly appears next Wednesday. Hereafter it will be issued on the first Wednesday of each month.
It is said that the Christmas number of Scribner's Monthly will contain three photographic views of Stag of Yale.
The Princeton Library has been increased, during the last four months, by 4,989 new volumes.
Female students in colleges in the United States are said to number 18,000.
Slayback who plays full back on the Wesleyan team this year is going to Yale next fall.
The intercollegiate tennis tournament at New Haven begins to day and will continue four days.
The first football game in this country was played at Yale between the classes of '42 and '42.- Ex.
There is rumor of a new grand stand to be erected on the field at Yale, which shall command a view of the track.
The Yale eleven will play a return game with Wesleyan in Middleton, Oct. 15.
Clark University at Worcester, Mass., will be ready for occupancy Oct. 1, 1888.
At Harvard, lacrosse costs the freshman class $14,000, football $11,000, baseball $9,000, crew $4,000.- Exchange.
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