
Fact and Rumor.

We have received, through the kindness of Prof. Thompson, a volume of his lectures on "Protection to Home Industry." They comprise the lectures given here last year which proved so interesting, and in this form they have the added value of easy reference.

A bill was introduced to the Ohio Senate, Feb. 18, prohibiting teachers, members of college faculties, State and county superintendents, and members of the State Board of Examiners from using alcoholic and narcotic stimulants,

There were several junior forensics which were not returned at the regular hour yesterday, owing to the illness of Mr. Gates. They will be returned at the library in closed alcove 25 during the consultation hour on Thursday. All juniors are invited to consult with Mr. Gates as soon as possible concerning their subjects.

The next Harvard Union Debate takes place Thursday evening, March 4, 1886. The question is, "Resolved. That the Knights of Labor deserve the support of the working classes." The regular disputants are, affirmative, A. T. Perkins, '87, E. E. Shoemaker, '89; negative, G. F. Davidson, L. S., N. F. Hesseltine, '88.

The statement made by the CRIMSON some time ago that a $4,000 scholarship had been given to Dartmouth on condition that no student who uses tobacco shall receive any of its benefits, is but an example of one of the many scholar ships at that college. It seems that every student who applies for a scholar ship at Dartmouth must sign a pledge not to use tobacco in any form while receiving aid from the college.

