
Fact and Rumor.

Many students availed themselves of the beautiful day yesterday to take long walks.

Light dumb-bells are daily growing in favor with the crew and nine candidates in the gymnasium.

The heavy weight wrestlers in the gymnasium draw large and admiring audiences.

The Globe said yesterday that the sophomore crew was rowing in better form than any other.

On account of flooded railroad tracks several men were unable to get home Saturday.


On Thursday evening the Philosophical Club will meet at Dr. Royce's house to discuss Pessimism.

Monday afternoon Mr. J. M. Merriam will read before History XX a paper on Civil Service.

The Brass Band has obtained Roberts Hall for evening rehearsals, and will begin practicing this week.

G. C. Baker, formerly special student in the Scientific School, died at Milan a few weeks ago.

Friends of the Johns Hopkins University are afraid that President Gilman will accept the Presidency of Yale College. - Haverfordian.

Theme VI in English XII which was returned just before the mid-years, must be handed in before 4 o'clock Tuesday.

The students from Wilbraham and Hackettstown who attend Wesleyan have recently formed alumni associations in that college.

The first number of The Arbitrator, a journal published by the advocates of arbitration as a means of settling labor troubles, has made its appearance. It is an able paper, and will do much good in the novel field it has chosen.
