Cornell is threatened with a water famine.
L. L. Hight, '86 has a poem in the last Life.
Jones, '88 will not play base-ball this year.
J. S. Phillips, '85 is studying in Leipsic.
Theme VIII in English XII is due Thursday.
The Physical Laboratory is open again for work.
J. E. Thayer, '85 has been in Cambridge for a few days.
The university candidates for pitcher have begun pitching in the cage.
New subjects have been added to the list of forensic topics in the library.
H. B. Stow, '88 who has been ill for several weeks is slowly recovering.
Professor Lowell will sail for England on the twenty-seventh of March.
Ferris has returned to the gymnasium after a two weeks absence.
Neither Russell nor Remington will pull in the junior tug-of-war team this year.
The Amherst Glee Club is planning a Western trip during the Spring vacation.
The new officers of the Philosophical Club are: president, G. Santayana, secretary, T. H. Gage.
Read more in News
President Eliot's Report.