
Music for the Anniversary.

Sanctus, (composed for the occasion), Osgood.

At the dinner of the alumni the chorus will sing St. Martin's, Fair Harvard and familiar glees. There will be several rehearsals - time and place to be announced later - and with such names as Osgood, '66, Langmaid, '59, Babcock, '77, Homans, '58, Chenery, '72, and others of reputation to assist, there is not much doubt that the chorus will score a grand success.

Not less interesting to music-lovers will be the concert of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Sunday afternoon, in Sanders. The programme has not yet been definitely decided upon, but is likely to be substantially as follows:

Prelude of Oedipus Tyrannus, Paine.

Orchestral Suite in D major, Bach.


5th Symphony, Beethoven.
