
Music for the Anniversary.

The musical arrangements for the approaching anniversary have been intrusted to a committee composed of the following gentlemen: Messrs. H. L. Higginson, J. K. Paine, G. L. Osgood, W. A. Locke, Arthur Foote, Sigourney Butler, S. A. Eliot, and E. R. Shippen.

Through the efforts of this committee a chorus composed of over a hundred past and present members of the Harvard Glee Club has been formed, to take part in the various exercises on Sunday and Monday.

The following selections will be given Sunday morning at the services in Appleton Chapel, under the direction of Mr. Warren A. Locke, '69, the college choir-master:

Commemoration Hymn, Paine.

(Latin words by Prof. Greenough).


Gloria, (Composed for the occasion),

J. C. D. Parker.

Exaudivit Dominus, Ford.

Ave Verum, Saint Saens

Sanctus, Gounod.

At the evening services the chorus, led by Mr. G. L. Osgood, '66, will sing:

Machet die Thore Weit, Lutzel.

All Glory, Laud, and Honor,


Into the Silent Land, (composed for the occasion), Foote.
