
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a recitation in English 5 to-day.

German 3 begins to read Herder's "Der Cid," to-day.

The heavy-weight squad of the Mott Haven team begins training to-day.

There is an exciting chess tournament progressing at 18 Appian Way.

"Towel-ragging" has superseded "sweater-ragging" at the gymnasium.


The Canference Committee will continue the "Marking System" debate to-day.

The students are beginning to call it the "Misplaced Confidence Committee."

The current Unitarian Review criticises the Prayer Petition in a very unchristianlike and narrow-minded way.

Competition for the Advocate prizes is exceedingly lively; all contributions must be handed in before Jan. 15th.

The rowing weights were not put in place after the ball on Saturday night in time for the second sophomore crew to row on Monday.

A set of boot blacking utensils would be of great convenience to those who exercise in the cage if placed in the gymnasium.

G. D. Baird in Cyclist and Athlete says that more time is wasted by athletes in "rubbing down" than will be made up by any gain made by it.

College cheers. - Vassar: Yum, yum, yum, Kiss, kiss, kiss, Vassah! Smith: Pie-yi-yi-yi, Pie-yi-yi-yi, Pie-yi-yi-yi, Smith. - Princetonian.

The thanks rendered by Dr. McKenzie yesterday morning for the fact that our lines have fallen in pleasant places seemed a hollow mockery to the shivering students.

The Prayer Petition is sent out to-day. The committee beg that all the postals may be returned whether signed or not, so that the exact proportion of men who desire the reform may be ascertained.
