
University Calendar.

Historical Concert. Subject: Wagner. Professor Paine, assisted by soloists. Sever 11, 7.45 P. M. Tickets at Sever's.

30. SATURDAY.Last day of receiving applications of candidates for Final Honors in 1886.

FORENSICS.The senior forensics will be returned on Monday, May 25, at Sever 11, from 3.30 to 4.30.


For the purpose of cousultation with seniors about the final examinations, the forensic instructor will be in the closed alcove 25, in the library, during the week, at the following hours: Monday and Wednesday, 11.30 to 1; Tuesday and Thursday, 2.30 to 4.

All subjects offered for the senior forensic examination must be handed to the instructor, or sent to him by mail, on or before Thursday, May 28. The list of four topics must be clearly written on one side of a card of the size of a postal card, and signed with the name of the student offering the list. It must be clearly understood that no lists can be received by the instructor on the examination day, but that all lists must be presented by Thursday, to give time for scrutiny and, if necessary, for correction of the lists. As ample notice is given of this fact, the instructor earnestly requests that no one may ask for an exception in his own case to this reasonable rule.

Subjects for the junior forensic examination need not yet be handed in. Due notice will ce given with regard to them.

FINAL EXAMINATIONS.Each examination begins at 9.15 A. M., and, by the regulations, must not be extended beyond three hours.

Recitations will be suspended after 4 P. M. Thursday May 28.

By the regulations, students are forbidden to have any unauthorized books or papers in an examination room.

Friday, May 29: Honors in Classics, Greek 3, 6, and Natural History 18, Sever 37.

Saturday, May 30: Senior Forensics, Mass., Dane. Freshman Rhetoric, Sever 17, 18, 29, 30, 35, 37.
