
University Calendar.

MAY 24. SUNDAY.Appleton Chapel. Rev. Sylvester F. Jones of Boston. 7.30 P. M.

25. MONDAY.Harvard Shakspere Club. Julius Caesar. Sanders Theatre, 7.45 P. M. Tickets at Sever's.

Illustrated Lectures. Historical Sites and Monuments of England and France. Special subject: The period from the accession of Henry II. to Edward III. continued. Prof. J. P. Cooke. Boylston Hall, 7.45 P. M. Members of the University admitted without tickets.


26. TUESDAY.College Faculty, Meeting at University 5, 3.30 P. M.

Harvard Shakspere Club. Julius Caesar. Sander's Theatre, 7.45 P. M. Tickets at Sever's.

27. WEDNESDAY.Last day of receiving applications for the Harris Fellowship and the Rogers Scholarship,

Board of Overseers. Adjourned meeting at No. 70 Water St., Boston, 11 A. M.

Harvard Union Debate. Sever 11, 7.30 P. M. Question: "Resolved, that full rights of citizenship should be given to Jefferson Davis."

Greek Readings. The Hecuba of Euripides, last half. Prof. Dyer. Sever 5, 7.30 P. M.

28. THURSDAY.Optical Crystallography. Prof. J. P. Cooke. Mineralogical Lecture Room, Boylston Hall, 12 M.

Electricity and Megnetism. Prof. Lovering, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, eastern wing, 12 M.
