
Fact and Rumor.

Word comes from the Frederick Female Academy, Md., that a change in the principalship is to be made, and that applications are in order. This is the most attractive offer that has yet been brought to notice.

The Williamstown College nine has the following games arranged on the home grounds: May 2, Springfields; 5, Brown; 9, Hamilton; 13, Harvard; 20, Trinity; 27, Amherst; 30, Yale; June 10, Harvard.

The freshman nine will play at Exeter this afternoon. The following men will make up the team: Choate, c,; Palmer, p,; Foss, 1 b.; Gallivan, 2 b.; Stetson, 3 b.; Taylor s. s.; Holden, l. f.; Austin, c. f.; Hallowell, r. f. Substututes, Ingersoll and Crocker.

The coxswain of the '88 crew lost two screws from his steering geer, between the boat-house and the starting point yesterday. It was proposed to delay the race until this damage could be repaired, but this was forbidden by the referee. Knowles was obliged therefore to use a paddle.

The team and substitutes in the lacrosse game today against the Cambridge club are Abbott, '87; Blodgett, '87; Drake, '87; Dudley, '87; Gardner, '87; Goodale, '85; Hood, '86; Nichols, L. S.; Noyes, '85; Pastorious, '87; Rueter. L. S.; Twombly, L. S.; Williams, '85; Woods, '85.


A concert will be given in Tremont Temple on May 8, in honor of Mr. Nat Brigham, the most famous tenor soloist who has ever belonged to the Harvard Glee Club. The Lotus Club, the Philomela Quartette, and the Harvard Glee Club will assist at this concert, and Mr. Brigham will return the favor by singing at the Glee Club-Pierian Concert, to be given in Sanders Theatre, May 13th.
