
Fact and Rumor.

Eighty-eight vs. Exeter to-day, at Exeter.

Dartmouth vs. Yale at New Haven to-day.

The diamond on Holmes Field is now in excellent condition.

Tufts defeated Bowdoin in base-ball Thursday, by a score of 7 to 5.

The Lampoon will be out in the early part of next week.


A large number of carriages followed the crews along the river bank.

The crowd assembled to witness the finish of the race was unusually large.

Harvard plays her first championship game to-day at Providence.

S. D. Richardson read his Bowdoin prize essay before the Signet, last evening.

The Yale News predicts the downfall of either the new Literary Monthly, or the Advocate.

Several members of the Photographic Society succeeded in taking very successful pictures of the Sophomore crew.

Apropos the recent two successive defeats of the "Memorial Halls" by the "Lead Heels," it is suggested that the former nine must be getting impatient, for the old proverb declares that "patient waiters are no losers."

The result of the Brown-Harvard game will be posted at Leavitt and Peirce's.

Yale sophomores, on last Sunday, made themselves notorious by breaking into a professor's room, and destroying his record books.

The New Haven Morning News says that careful observers prophesy the following results of the Inter-Collegiate ball games: 1, Harvard; 2, Yale; 3, Princeton; 4, Brown; 5, Dartmouth; 6, Amherst.
