
Fact and Rumor.

It is rumored that the Index will publish next year a literary supplement which will be delivered free of charge to all subscribers.

The nine designated as the "Suttons" in yesterday's published schedule has changed its name to the "Mount Auburns."

Officers of the O. K. from '86 have been elected as follows: president, T. P. Sanborn; secretary, G. Santayana; treasurer, Fullerton; Librarian, C. M. Thompson.

The game between the Mount Auburns and the CRIMSON, scheduled for this morning, has been postponed by consent of both captains, and will be played on Wednesday, May 6th., at 1.30 P. M.

Rev. Phillips Brooks will continue his lecture on "Tolerance," the first part of which was given last evening, in St. John's Memorial Chapel, this evening. Seats will be reserved for students of the University.


Tufts College has received about $40,000 by the will of Miss Harriet H. Fago of Marlboro. This sum will probably be used to establish a professorship of English literature, a vacancy which the college has long felt.

Thirty-seven courses have been given at the Annex this year;- Greek, Latin, and English, 4 each; German and Mathematics, 3 each; French, Philosophy, and History, 2 each; Political Economy, Physics, and Zoology, 1 each.

The Historical Society was entertained at the house of Mr. Deane, vice-president of the Massachusetts Historical Society, last Monday evening. Col. Lee, who was on Gov. Andrew's staff, and Col. T. W. Higginson, related several reminiscences of the civil war.
